AntiSplit M APK - Many Android apps are now distributed as split APKs, which include multiple APK files instead of a single one. These split APKs are often packaged as APKS, XAPK, or APKM formats. However, some devices or app stores require a single APK file. If you want to merge split APKs into a regular APK.
Features of AntiSplit M
If you're looking for an app that merges split APKs (APKS, XAPK, APKM) into a single APK file, here are a few tools that can help you:
1. SAI (Split APKs Installer)
- Features: Can install and export split APKs as a single APK.
- Supports: APKS, XAPK, APKM formats.
- Download: Available on GitHub, APKMirror, and some third-party stores.
2. APKTool M
- Features: Can decompile, merge, and repackage split APKs into one APK.
- Supports: Manual merging of APKS and XAPK.
- Extra: Allows APK modification and optimization.
3. ML Manager
- Features: Extracts installed split APKs and can attempt merging.
- Use Case: More focused on backing up APKs but can help.
If you want a simple solution, SAI (Split APKs Installer) is the best option for non-rooted users. If you need advanced customization, APKTool M is a great choice. For rooted users, Lucky Patcher provides maximum control over APK modifications.